The Seven Chakras of the human body. During Reiki, the energy flowing through these chakras is balanced.
The Reiki Therapist can channel Reiki energy, to bring about healing in the physical and the mental and spiritual plane. Reiki can be used to balance Chakras. Chakras are spinning energy centers placed within the body. We have Seven Chakras, and each of these corresponds with a physical endocrine system in the body. Chakra which means Wheel is a term that comes from Sanskrit. Whilst there are 7 major Chakras placed along the spine, we have a total of 114 Chakras and 72,000 nadis or channels through which the Chi or Prana or energy moves. For the individual to be at optimum, physical, emotional and psychic health energy flow through these chakras needs to be unobstructed. In addition, we have 4 more Major Chakras. Of these, the Earth Star comes in below the Root chakra. The rest are above the Crown Chakra, and they are the Soul Star, Spirit, Universal, Galactic & Divine Gateway Chakra. Yoga has popularized the concept of the Seven Body chakras.
Reiki helps heal the Chakras so that they can allow the flow of energy and we can function at optimal levels. Reiki energy is intelligent, and it flows to where it is needed. The great part of using Reiki for healing is that Reiki is not affiliated with any religion. The receiver does not have to believe in Reiki to be positively impacted by it. The practitioner is not giving his/her own energy. The Universal energy of Reiki uses the Practitioner and flows through the person to bring about healing. The need to know where the ailment exists is also not paramount, since Reiki will go where it is most needed.
The Seven Major Chakras in the Human body are as follows.
1. Root / Muladhara.
Colour: Red
Element: Earth
Stone: Hematite
When it develops: Between the age of 1 to 7 years
Positioning: Base of the Spine
Body Parts: the bones of the legs, the spinal column, Kidneys & the Adrenal glands.
Function: It Grounds one physically, by giving a sense of identity and stability. The fight or flight response is stored here. This is also about financial independence,
Physical Manifestations of Imbalance: Colon Problems, Constipation & arthritis, lower back pain, pain in the legs and the feet, insomnia, metabolic issues.
Imbalance: Insecurity about finances, overly dependent on others, insecurity about basic survival, low self-esteem & overly defensive.
Mantra: I grow strong with a firm foundation.
Tarot Cards: The Fool, the Magician, The Emperor, Strength, Death, The Devil, The Tower, Ace of Pentacles, Two of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles, Four of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles, Six of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles, Ten Of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, King of Pentacles.
The Reiki Therapist helps work with the client and resolves back issues and other physical ailments. However, Reiki also helps the person with acceptance and a stronger self of identity.
2. Sacral /Svadhisthana Chakra
Colour: Orange
Element: Water
Stone: Tigers Eye
When it develops: Between the Age of 8 to 14 years
Positioning: Below the belly button, exactly 2 inches below the navel.
Body parts: bladder, spleen, and the reproductive system.
Function: It is the powerhouse of our creativity, sexuality and the seat of emotions. This is where gut feelings come from, and the place that determines self-love and self-worth. This is the chakra that manifests abundance.
Physical Manifestations of Imbalance: Impotence, Lower back pain and Urinary Tract Infections.
Imbalance: Addictions since they usually fill a hole within us; sexual disorders and by extension reproductive disorders; Issues of self-esteem and the base emotions that are associated with it such as jealousy, envy and other lower vibration feelings.
Mantra: I ground myself and then let it emanate out and create an ambiance of stability.
Tarot Cards: The Empress, The Wheel Of Fortune, Temperance, The Devil, The Star, The Sun, Ace Of Cups, Two of Cups, Three of Cups, Four of Cups, Five of Cups, Six of Cups, Seven of Cups, Eight of Cups, Nine of Cups, Ten Of Cups, Page of Cups, Knight of Cups, Queen of Cups, King of Cups
The Reiki Therapist helps work with the client and alongside healing physical ailments, works on trusting one's gut. Reiki also brings in self-love and self-worth and an abundance mindset.
3. Solar Plexus /Manipura Chakra
Colour: Yellow
Element: Fire
Stone: Amber
When it develops: Between the Age of 15 to 21 years
Positioning: This is placed in the Upper Abdomen.
Body parts:
Function: Issues of self-worth, confidence and self-esteem spring from the solar plexus. This is the storehouse of our personal power.
Physical Manifestations of Imbalance: Indigestion, Ulcers, Heartburn, Eating disorders.
Mantra: I accept my entire self in all entirety.
Tarot: The Magician, The Emperor, The Chariot, Ace of Wands, Two of Wands, Three of Wands, Four of Wands, Five of Wands, Six of Wands, Seven of Wands, Eight of Wands, Nine of Wands, Ten Of Wands, Page of Wands, Knight of Wands, Queen of Wands, King of Wands.
The Reiki Therapist helps work with the client and brings about acceptance and healthier eating habits.
4. Heart / Anahata Chakra
Colour: Green
Element: Air
Stone: Rose Quartz
When it develops: Between the Age of 21 to 28 years
Positioning: Center of the Chest. Just a finger above the heart.
Body parts: Heart
Function: This controls empathy and compassion. This is also connected with our ability to receive and give love. Since his Chakra falls halfway between the lower and the higher chakras this is the bridge between them. With compassion towards ourselves and others, we can unlock our spirituality and connection to the divine.
Physical Manifestations of Imbalance: Asthama, Heart-related issues, Weight as an extension of heart-related issues.
Imbalance: An inability to connect with others. Feelings of being lonely, unlovable and insecure as a result of that.
Mantra: I love myself completely, and I love others.
Tarot Cards: The Empress, The Lovers, Strength, Temperance, Ace of Swords, Two of Swords, Three of Swords, Four of Swords, Five of Swords, Six of Swords, Seven of Swords, Eight of Swords, Nine of Swords, Ten of Swords, Page of Swords, Knight of Swords, Queen of Swords, King of Swords.
The Reiki Therapist helps work with the client and helps with issues of weight, confidence and loneliness. Depression also is reduced as a persons ability to receive and give love grows.
5. Throat / Vishuddha Chakra
Colour: Dark Blue/Turquoise
Element: Sound
Stone: Aquamarine
When it develops: Between the Age of 29 to 35 years
Positioning: Throat
Body parts: Throat and the oral apparatus, ENT, Teeth gums and mouth.
Function: It controls communication, the ability to speak the truth and ask what needs to be done.
Physical Manifestations of Imbalance:
Imbalance: Inability to express or stand up for one's self. It may conversely mean having dominating conversations without being mindful of the next person or gossiping.
Mantra: I speak my truth
Tarot Cards: The Hierophant Justice
The Reiki Therapist helps work with the client and the result is increased confidence, a stronger throat and oral apparatus and also appropriate verbal reactions - self expression without dominating or letting go of one's self.
6. Third Eye / Ajna Chakra
Colour: Light Blue
Element: Light
Stone: Amethyst
When it develops: Between the Age of 36 to 42 years
Positioning: Between the Brows, where the Third Eye is supposed to be.
Body parts: Head
Function: When in tune with one's intuition, it is easy to know one's goal and see the bigger picture.
Physical Manifestations of Imbalance: Headaches, Sight and Hearing problems.
Imbalance: Inability to see the bigger picture. It is about having a distorted view of reality.
Mantra: I connect to the intuition within me.
Tarot Cards: The High Priestess, The Hermit, Justice, The Tower, The Moon, The Sun, Judgment
The Reiki Therapist helps work with the client to bring healing and have them more in tune with their inner purpose. When we are following our life's goals, we are happier and live a life in alignment with our soul's purpose.
7. Crown / Sahasrara Chakra
Colour: White/ Indigo
Element: Divine Consciousness
Stone: Clear Quartz
When it develops: Between the Age of 43 to 49 years
Positioning: Top of the Head.
Body parts: The mind
Function: It connects to our life purpose and spirituality.
Imbalance: Prejudices, Narrow Mindedness, Stubbornness and Rigidity.
Mantra: I aspire to be one with the divine.
Tarot Cards: The Magician, The High Priestess, The Hierophant, The Wheel of Fortune, The Hanged Man, Death, The Star, The Moon, Judgement, The World
The Reiki Therapist helps work with the client and open up the potential of seeing things through a vision of love. Reiki is an energy that transforms you at all levels.
If you would like to experience the Healing Power of Reiki, consider Booking A Session. Reiki Healing and Reiki with Tarot Chakra Update.