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Detailed Counselling
  • Detailed Counselling


    At times, we find ourselves standing at important crossroads in life, where a comprehensive understanding of all areas becomes crucial for making informed decisions. In a one-hour tarot reading, we embark on a journey that encompasses multiple facets of your life, shedding light on various aspects and guiding you towards the answers you seek.

    This reading is designed to illuminate every dimension of your existence, including not only the Self, but also Finances, Family, Spouse, Children, Parents, Siblings, Friends, Professional Relationships and Work, Creativity and Self-Expression, Legacy, Strengths, and Challenges.

    My intention is to facilitate the highest good in your life, serving as your guide to interpret the path your soul is destined to take at this significant juncture during our detailed counseling tarot session.

    Additionally, within the one-hour timeframe, we can explore relationship readings, understanding that all relationships undergo tests and trials. Those that endure are the ones that demonstrate their resilience. We incarnate with specific groups of souls, and our relationships serve as a means for us to navigate karmic lessons and grow together. While we often possess an innate sense of what is beneficial or necessary for us, there are moments when a little guidance can greatly assist us.

    The tarot serves as an invaluable tool for providing counsel and direction, revealing areas within relationships that require healing or guidance on how to proceed. Relationship readings delve deep into the core needs and aspirations of each person involved, offering profound insights that can enhance this significant aspect of your life.

    Throughout our session, my aim is to provide you with clarity, empowerment, and guidance, supporting you in making choices that align with your highest good and fostering personal growth and fulfillment.

    Remember, the tarot reading is a collaborative and interactive process, and your active participation is essential. Together, we will navigate the cards to uncover the wisdom they hold and illuminate the path that leads to your greatest potential.

    • What I need from you?

      I need the following from you

      1. An Acknowledgement of the terms of Service. This ensures that your time is well used and I can let you know everything I see for you.

      2. Your date of birth and complete name so that I can give you as much information before we start the reading. 

      3. A WhatsApp phone number or an email address where I can drop in the Video Reading if that is what has been ordered by you. I prefer the use of WhatsApp since it is easier for you to receive the complete reading.

      4. The complete name and date of birth of the person involved if it is a relationship reading.

      I am genuinely grateful for the privilege of reading for you. Have a blessed day!

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